These are strange and stressful times we are living in. In less than a month, most of us have gone from never having heard of the coronavirus, to being cooped up in our homes riding out a global pandemic. Anxiety levels are spiking. And yet, pregnant families are still welcoming new, precious babies into their lives.
I wanted to share what I am doing to continue to provide Hypnobabies classes to families who want to get this in-depth childbirth education with the powerful hypnosis tools that have helped so many families to have a more joyful, empowering, easier, and more comfortable birth. For the time being, I am following the guidance of health officials to avoid all unnecessary contact with other people. Which means Hypnobabies classes will switch over to an online platform. The "live class" option will become a group class done via Zoom. Most of the benefits of the live class will remain the same. You will have 3+ hours each week learning directly from a very experienced Hypnobabies instructor- me! You will also still get to interact with other pregnant families going through this experience at the same time, which is an invaluable part of the live class. Weekly accountability to an instructor and fellow students is also a popular reason to take the live class. Hypnobabies involves quite a bit of reading and hypnosis practice, much like a college class. Because, of course, the outcome is so important! Birth partners are also highly involved with the live class, learning right along side the birthing mom and reading hypnosis scripts three times per week. This allows the birthing mom to learn to relax to the partner's voice and of course baby also loves hearing the voices of all those who love them! You'll have to sign up for class at least a few days in advance so I can make sure I can ship your course materials to you, or drop them off at your home. As of this writing I have three spaces left in my April 14th class (Tuesday evenings). Each class series runs for six weeks. Full class information and availability can be found here. The cost of the live class is $380. Discounts and payment plans are available for families in need. If a day or time of a scheduled class doesn't work for you please reach out anyway and we'll see if there is enough demand to find another day and time that works. Hypnobabies also has a wonderful home study option. This is purchased directly from The cost is $180-$220 depending on if you order an online version or a print edition. This is a self-study that the birthing person does mostly on their own, though birth partners are encouraged to follow along and have a few small things to do to be involved. Birth partners do not read hypnosis scripts three times per week like they do with the live class. It contains the same wonderful tools and techniques that are taught in the live class. Home study users can hire myself or another Hypnobabies instructor to do a Home Study Advantage (HSA) class. These will also be done virtually until this pandemic has passed. The HSA is a three-hour, one time class for the birthing mom and the birth partner. We do a review of the course, make sure the birth partner feels fully up to speed for their role, and do a real time birth rehearsal to practice using all the tools. This HSA is an invaluable way to make sure you are able to reap the full benefit of all the Hypnobabies tools you will have spent so much time learning and practicing. The HSA is $150 for two and a half to three hours. The reality of this wild time is that anxiety levels for expectant families are going to be higher than ever, during a time when anxiety was already becoming an epidemic for pregnant folks and new parents. Additionally, many families are seriously considering avoiding birthing at hospitals to minimize the chance of exposure to this virus. I know for sure that Hypnobabies has tools to not only help tackle anxiety during pregnancy, but to help every family have the most positive birth possible, no matter where they choose to birth or the path their baby's birth takes. Every expectant family deserves to have the absolute best. I encourage you to decide if Hypnobabies is the right fit for you! As always, reach out with any questions... [email protected]
Liz HudsonLiz is the owner of Hypnobabies QC. She is a Hypnobabies instructor as well as a Hypno-doula and is passionate about empowering women. Liz's background is in clinical psychology and she practices as a psychotherapist supporting women during the perinatal period. She is also a La Leche League leader and leads a monthly breastfeeding support group. ArchivesCategories |