The Birth Story of HB
Around 5:30pm on my guess date, I felt a sensation that felt different than any other sensation I had felt during my pregnancy. I had the thought, “could this be it?” but quickly dismissed it thinking that it was probably just the baby moving. I went on with my evening making dinner and watching tv with my husband. At some point during the evening, I felt the sensation again and then again. I knew this was the beginning of my birthing time. I went to bed that night wondering if my pressure waves would start back up. I slept for maybe 2 hours but I was too excited to sleep. I decided that I would take a bath and get some last minute things in order. I listened to my Birthing Day Affirmations while in the tub and tried to soak in the fact that I was about to have this baby. Around 2:30am, I woke up my husband to tell him that I was sure that I was in my birthing time. We called our doula around 4am and she arrived around 5:30am. Our baby was Occiput Posterior so I was having some back pressure during the waves. My doula was awesome and used counter pressure on my hips to help during each wave. It felt really good to be on all fours and sway my hips back and forth- so that’s just what I did. I would get up and move around when I felt like it, still remaining in hypnosis. My waves started coming quicker but were not lasting very long. I decided that I wanted to make my way to the birth center then. We live about 35 minutes from the Birth Center so I put on my Deepening track and listened to it on the drive there. We arrived around 10:00am and I allowed them to check me. I was 7cm dilated! My midwife and doula helped set up the room with my birth affirmation cards and diffused my essential oils. My birth team used the rebozo and I hung on the Pilates bars to try to encourage our baby to rotate but he was a bit stubborn. My midwife and doula took turn squeezing my hips, which felt great. I went into the shower and sat on the birth ball for a bit with the hot shower hitting my lower back. It felt AMAZING. I felt a bit pushy and squatted on the birthing stool. My bag of waters broke and sounded like an explosion. I actually thought the baby had come out! I started moving around into different positions then, staying in hypnosis the whole time. I tried all the different positions I could to see what felt “right.” I don’t even know when transformation hit; I couldn’t tell you. I had a rest and be thankful period and even dozed off some. I rested for a bit in the bed with a peanut ball while my husband read birth prompts to me and used the PEACE cue. All of a sudden, I started to feel some pressure and needed to move. I got down on the ground and with my husband behind me, supporting me, and my midwife in front, I birthed my son. It was pretty amazing. No drugs; no interventions; Just Hypno-anesthesia :) |