What is a Hypno-Doula?
A Hypno-Doula is a Hypnobabies trained doula who understands the philosophy, techniques, cue words and other materials in your Hypnobabies program. All of our Hypnobabies hypnosis scripts and audio tracks have specific suggestions, language and other content which re-train the inner mind for an easy, comfortable birthing. These “hypno-tools” must be learned, practiced and used by Hypnobabies mothers as directed in our written materials for the best outcome. A trained Hypno-Doula has had training using all of the Hypnobabies tools and techniques taught in a Hypnobabies class series.
A Trained Hypno-Doula can easily:
You can find a Hypnobabies trained Hypno-Doula on our Find a Hypno-Doula page.
A Trained Hypno-Doula can easily:
- Learn and practice Hypnobabies techniques and hypno-cues ahead of time with the Hypno-couple in a few Birthing Rehearsals, as well as use only Hypnobabies language and techniques at all times. This reinforces your practice and helps form a bond between you and your doula.
- Be a liaison for the couple with staff, explaining that they need darkness, solitude and quiet, keeping distraction to a minimum, etc.
- Learn and use hypnotic Deepening techniques with the Hypno-mom, for use in Transformation (transition) stage.
- Help with Fear Clearing and hypno-cues during your Birthing Time (trading off with the Birth Partner when he/she is tired, but not replacing the Birth Partner).
- Learn and use Hypnobabies pushing techniques and with the Hypno-mom, for use in her pushing stage.
- Help the Hypno-mom get up to change positions or go to the bathroom immediately after a birthing wave is over as the mom has learned to do. This and many other Hypno-Doula training techniques help the Hypnobabies birthing mother to remain in hypnosis as she changes positions, using Birth Prompts and her “Lightswitch” and “Peace” cues.
- Remember that positional changes and upright positions are mainly used for descent and positioning of the baby and not for comfort in a Hypnobabies birth. When using hypnosis for childbirth, physical comfort comes from using hypnosis to flow deeper inside the inner mind, which also creates the deepest physical relaxation possible.
You can find a Hypnobabies trained Hypno-Doula on our Find a Hypno-Doula page.